2024 Award
Congratulations to the fifteenth annual Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship winners. 2024 awardees are:
Allyson Burke from Colgan High School, and
Zeenat Ameri from Battlefield High School.
The scholarship celebration was held on May 27, 2024 and was attended by family of the awardees and a large number of PWAS members. Certificates and checks for $1,000 each were presented by Elizabeth Stathis (PWAS President) on behalf of Jewell Pratt Burns, the Scholarship Committee (led by Emily Hawes), and PWAS members. We wish Allyson and Zeenat success in their future art endeavors!

Thank You for funding the 2023 Scholarships!
PWAS was especially grateful to two direct donors in 2023.
Ms. Judy Gallagher made a donation in memory of Jim Gallagher, artist, dedicated PWAS member, and active participant on the Scholarship Committee over the years.
On behalf of Visual Expressions, a group of artists in the over-55 community of Four Seasons, Sandra McClelland-Lewin presented the balance of their operating fund upon disbanding this year. The group wanted to ensure the funds would go to support the visual arts in Prince William County.
2023 Award
The fourteenth annual Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship winner was graduating senior Awaneh Sawaneh from Colgan High School. Ms. Jewell Burns presented Sawaneh with a certificate in appreciation of her artistic talent and a check for $1,000 to help support her as she pursues a degree in Fine Arts at the Savannah College of Arts and Design next year. Awaneh currently plans to pursue a major in Sequential Art with a minor in Illustration.

Past PWAS Scholarship Award Winners
May 23, 2022 13th Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Award
The Prince William Art Society held the 13th Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship award ceremony, named for longstanding member from the original Woodbridge Art Guild. The two selected students, Ayanna Rowe and Anne Wu from Charles J. Colgan Sr. High School, the Center for Fine and Performing Arts (whom both will be attending Virginia Commonwealth University) each received a $1000 scholarship.

(From left to right) Ayanna Rowe, Ana Quispe (PWAS President), Jewell Pratt Burns, and Anne Wu, celebrate!
May 27, 2019 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Award
The Prince William Art Society held the 10th Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship award ceremony, named for longstanding member from the original Woodbridge Art Guild. The two selected students, Avery Engstrom of Forest Park Senior High School & Wilson Stearns of J. Colgan Sr. High School each received a $1000 scholarship.

(Left to Right) Avery Engstrom & Wilson Stearns
May 28, 2018 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Award
The Prince William Art Society held the 9th Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship award ceremony, named for longstanding member from the original Woodbridge Art Guild. The selected student, Jacqueline Gottschalk of Battlefield High School received a $1000 scholarship.

May 22, 2017 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Award
The Prince William Art Society held the 8th Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship award ceremony. Two students going on to study for degrees in Fine Arts were each awarded $1,000 scholarships. Certificates and checks were presented by Ms. Burns to and to Malayna Moorer of Stonewall Jackson High School to celebrate their artistic talent and to support them as they go on to study Fine Arts and forge a career in the Arts.

May 21, 2015 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Award
The Prince William Art Society held the 6th Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship award ceremony, named for longstanding member from the original Woodbridge Art Guild. The selected students, Elisha Dukes of
Woodbridge Senior High School received a $1000 scholarship.
May 21, 2014 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Award
The Prince William Art Society held the Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship award ceremony. We present to you going on to study for degree in Fine Arts, Rachel Chung of Osbourn Park High School, Manassas, Virginia, who plans on continuing her studies at Christopher Newport University, Newport News, Virginia and Ruby Williams of Patriot High School, Nokesville, Virginia, who plans on continuing her studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia were each awarded $1000 scholarships.

Rachel Chung
Ruby Williams
May 15, 2013 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Award
On 15 May, the 2013 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship, named for a longstanding member of the Prince William Art Society, was presented at our annual awards ceremony, by its namesake to: Catherine Winings of Woodbridge Senior High School who plans on continuing her studies at the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), and Jared Goodman of Brentsville District High School, who plans on continuing his education in the arts the Art Institute of Washington-Dulles.

Jared Goodman

Catherine Winings
May 2012 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Award
The 2012 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship, named for a longstanding member of the society, was given by its namesake to Victoria Lafranchise of Woodbridge High School and Julia Moore of Forest Park High School at our annual awards ceremony.
Both recipients are bound for Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, where they intend to study art.

May 2011 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship
In May 2011 the Prince William Art Society presented the IV Annual Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Awards of $1000 each to two extremely talented Prince William County High School art students.
Recipients were Taylor Fox, graduating student from Brentsville District High School, who will be attending the Arts Program at UVA and Christopher Green, a graduating student from Osborn Park High School, who will also be attending the Arts Program at UVA.

May 2010 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship
In May 2010 the Prince William Art Society presented the III Annual Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Awards of $1000 each to two extremely talented Prince William County High School art students.
Our recipients were Sompaseth Chounlamany of Brentsville District High School and Kamille Jackson of Woodbridge High School. Both students are continuing their art studies in college. Funds for the scholarships have been raised by profits from workshops and the sale of note cards made from members’ original art.

May 2009 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship
The 2009 recipients of the Annual Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Awards were Caleb Fletcher and Liddy Seager. Each student received $1000.

May 2008 Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship
The 2008 recipients of the Annual Jewell Pratt Burns Scholarship Awards of $1000 each were to two extremely talented students Danny Morgan and Brittany Person.