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Our Art Society Has a Rich History!
  • PWAS has roots that go back to the Woodbridge Art Guild (WAG), which formed in 1971 with 60 charter members.

  • WAG joined the Eastern Prince William Chamber of Commerce in 1975 with about 125 members.

  • WAG was incorporated as a 501(c) non-profit organization in 1976.

  • WAG displayed art in several locations over the years, including the Edgewater Gallery at Tackett's Mill and a storefront location across from Lowe's on Minnieville Rd.

  • Name was changed to Prince William Art Society (PWAS) to better describe the inclusion of all of Prince William County.

  • Scholarship Program for 12th grade students began in 2008.  These scholarships continue to be awarded.

  • In 2022, the PWCAC and JBG Smith (shopping center manager) approached PWAS with the goal of expanding the OSA Gallery to all artists in PW County.  PWAS manages the art selection and staffs the gallery with our volunteers.

You can find additional details HERE.

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