If you are interested in printmaking without a bunch of expensive
supplies, you'll enjoy June's program on monoprints. Professional
artist Michele Frantz will share some collagraphs (where a printing
plate is made by gluing various items to a piece of cardboard) as well
as demonstrating some ways to pull prints from a Gelli plate. We'll get
to see examples of some of the effects that can be achieved and hear
experience driven advice on materials, as well as learn the difference
between a monotype and a monoprint.
Michele says "I've been intrigued by printmaking ever since being
introduced to it in college, but have only recently taken them up again.
For some reason, I just love the flatness of color I get with prints;
it's so different from the way I paint". She has been an active member of
the Manassas art scene for many years and is a well known art
instructor. You can check out some of her work (and play) on her
Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/ArcadiaAS .
Programs are free and open to the public who are invited to attend. Meetings begin at 7:30 pm at the Tall Oaks Community Center, 12298 Cotton Mill Dr., Lake Ridge VA